Cendyn and Shiji target hotel profitability with PMS-CRS integration
System integration enhances efficiency and profitability for hotel businesses
System integration enhances efficiency and profitability for hotel businesses
Powered by the group, Cathay Holidays is now a one-stop travel hub for premium experiences
Servantrip’s suppliers gain real-time bookings from Holidayme’s network of 10,000 travel agents
TravelgateX, ATCORE Technology, and Travel Connection Technology will join the group
Simplification of booking process for activities sold by Civitatis is on the cards
Ferry provider enlists Expian to supply passenger ticketing technology for UK routes
Collaboration will allow travel company to further deliver customised and targeted content to customers
It is the first company to link travel and hospitality industries with the beauty and retail industries
Peloton to offer in-room video content and equipment across all properties in Peloton operating markets
It will now be its preferred virtual card provider globally
Move will expand its property offering
OTA's customers will now have access to more than 12,000 experiences
There's been a 'massive change' in the relationship with the airline
Turkish-German airline will leverage the ancillary provider's technology
Focus your mobility offerings around simplicity and accessibility
Hopper will now have more access to more inventory and hotels
Partnership is a move to encourage inbound Chinese tourism
Industry sustainability frameworks HCMI and HWMI now available within BeCause's solutions
Hotel tech leaders expand partnership to deliver greater insights for hotel revenue teams
The event takes place 23-25 October, 2024 in Seville